Letter of help

Dear kind strangers,

I am writing to you from the Philippines, from the village of Magbay. I am writing to you because I need help with my son’s future. My husband and I have got four children. My husband is a farmer and worked in the woods where we all lived together in our hut. It was not always easy, but there was work and we managed to get by. Recently things have become complicated: the rebels have started attacking villages and using violence on people they came across. We lived in terror that something could happen to the children, that our hut burned down, that the wood burned down. For every delay or too loud noise my heart stopped and living in the woods was becoming hell. My husband and I have decided to move for ourselves, and especially for our children. It was not easy. The journey was not easy and it was not easy to start over. But it had to be done for the good of all of us. Some acquaintances allowed us to build a hut in their territory and so we began to rebuild our lives. In the village I have found out that some children receive remote help to be able to study in a safe school. To learn to read and to write. To learn a trade that keeps them a little safer. So I ask you for help for my children, especially for C. who has to start school. I ask you for help because I would like to give my children the best, but I cannot do it alone and so I ask you. Help me. God bless you.


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