If you help me…

Hello everyone! My name is K.V. I am almost 6 years old and maybe I will start going to school. I have not seen my big sister for a long time: our father does not always work and so he sent her to some relatives who can send her to school. I miss my sister. Dad always says that she will learn a lot of things and she will get a real job and she will be very happy. And he says that when it is possible she can also come and visit us. I cannot wait. Dad is working in the fields now. When that happens he stays away all day and I do not see him either. I am usually with my big brother. He prepares coal for cooking. Dad does not want him to teach me because he says I get hurt. So I look after my younger siblings all day. If dad does not work he makes coal too. When my big sister was with us, she used to help me with little brothers and with cooking. Even if there is almost never anything to eat. But we cannot complain because we are all healthy. I would like just to go to school. Dad says we need someone to help us and so maybe I can see my sister again. And I will be able to learn many things and one day there will also be a lot to eat. Maybe. If you help me go to school.

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